Wednesday, April 30, 2008


If you need a clunker for saturdays coffee clunker cruise, we gots some here for you to use. Our goal for the ride is to have everyones ARSE sore!!

1 comment:

Gike said...

excellent turnout for a moderately nice day. 27 cyclist showed up, most were on clunkers or classics. Steve from man'twoc had this 20" trike loaded with Miller Beer. Quite a few english three speeds. I put a bannana seat on 27" 10 speed....Ghetto....
Todd had a brand new sting ray, got at walmart for $45 ?? springer fork, slick, and all...the empire will not carry them anymore as they are too hard to assemble??.
This ride is exactly what WEIRD wants to accomplish as a buisness. Hope you had fun if you rode with us. If not, join in and lets get out there....