Wednesday, March 04, 2009

settling in

It is time to start getting busy. I am going to focus my attention on bicycle advocacy while I learn the streets and trails. I will be sending most of my blog information to our buisness blog at It might be a few weeks until I feel comfortable leading WEIRD tours. We have identified there is a need for clunker club here, so the CCC and the CCC will take place here in Decatur. The possibilities are unlimited.


Hauser said...

Good to see you are settling in, never got to get a last ride in with you....crazy busy at the end of Feb. Good luck down there and we will try to keep your rides alive up here!

Unknown said...

I've been interested pedicabs and stumbled across your blog while doing research. As I understand you operated a pedicab business in Green Bay (I lived in Milewaukee and Madison as a kid). Anyway, I live in north Decatur and would like to learn more. My email is