Monday, June 30, 2008

levis epic

Levis Trow trails east of Neillsville were the site of a WEMS event (usually 12/6/3 hours) that included instead a 100 mile, 50 mile, 25 mile option, and the state championships for singlespeeders at 25 miles. I entered the 100, and finished 75 miles in11 hours 12 minutes. (TYVM). You had to do 1hr30m laps (12.5 miles) to finish in 12 hours. Organizer "allowed" for light and kept course open for 13 hours. Based on your splits, if you were back by 730pm, you "might" be able to go out for one more. I "could" of done another lap, but I had enough fun. Toad Road & Upper Hermosas downhill, and the Switchback uphill were by far the highlights of the lap. Weather was perfect. 60's. Rain in the morning where you knew it was raining out, but you weren't getting wet. Strong winds in the morning, gentle breezes by afternoon. Bluebird evening.These trails are as epic as they come. Actually, they are IMBA epic designated trails. Get over there and ride, but call me...I wanna go too

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