Monday, January 21, 2008

brain freeze promotes new WEIRDness

holy schnikes!! Last night NFC game was freeking cold! 77,000 packer fans,(ok, some were from NY) and 5 pedicabs. We lasted until about 10pm, when temps were negative 8, windchills about -25, give or take a few degrees. WEIRD could be described as dumb or stoopit when venturing out in those conditions. But with the right gear, you're ass will be saved. Call for more info...
Upon thawing out, I was gonna post something when I ran across the option of mobile blogging. My new mobile email is I am also gonna post from my handheld, possibly with pics. The only thing that will stay the same this year is change....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


How'd the pedicab-thing go at the packer game?

I know it's probably not a money making venture, but did you make any moolah?

What kind of pedicabs are you using?
