Tuesday, January 22, 2008

WEIRD contest 2008

This year, as an added bonus to our trainings, any pictures I post to this blog are open for interpretation. If you can guess where it is, or we pass it during a workout and you mention the picture, that weirdo will get a free workout, or swag. Let the games begin.......

Monday, January 21, 2008

I was out there

Went out tonight in the snowstorm. Urban trails were awesome! 2 inches virgin track

Text only

1st try sending text from mobile. Having hard time motivating to get out and ride. I need your help. Call for a weird workout

brain freeze promotes new WEIRDness

holy schnikes!! Last night NFC game was freeking cold! 77,000 packer fans,(ok, some were from NY) and 5 pedicabs. We lasted until about 10pm, when temps were negative 8, windchills about -25, give or take a few degrees. WEIRD could be described as dumb or stoopit when venturing out in those conditions. But with the right gear, you're ass will be saved. Call for more info...
Upon thawing out, I was gonna post something when I ran across the option of mobile blogging. My new mobile email is weird@att.blackberry.net. I am also gonna post from my handheld, possibly with pics. The only thing that will stay the same this year is change....

Multimedia message

Set up blogger to go

Sunday, January 20, 2008

working it !!

anyone else riding sunday, the 20th. WE are pedicabbing the nfc game at Lambeau!! Sometimes being weird might be stoopit...stay tuned for details

Saturday, January 19, 2008

whats too cold?

Yikes!!!!! -30 windchills. Temps of -3 degrees. Is it too cold to workout outside? Not if you're WEIRD. Here are some guidelines.
If possible, get deep into the woods
Plan routes that are very sheltered. I like using city alleys when its real cold.
Fight the wind while you're warm
Layers, layers of clothing. Carry extra clothing and space to shed clothes
Tell someone the 'plan'
Call someone to join you.There is safety in numbers

Todays WEIRD WO is backcountry skiing @ triangle or HeNisRa. Call 371-2227 to hook up

Sunday, January 13, 2008

january thaw/snow/freeze

Its been a wacky winter so far....Last thursday morning the roads were clean and dry! Perfect. By Friday things were back to normal....wet/snowy/slush....Saturdays packer playoff game at Lambeau would of been OK "IF" the unnanounced snow storm didn't hit during the game. Over 2 inches came down pretty hard as the 6 pedicabs working the game laughed and kept on working...it was a tough ride home....River and ice riding are now out as last weeks thaw and a wet snow over the water makes them unridable...running's OK, but you will get sloshed...not enough snow for 'shoeing....skiing should be marginal, but doable....Keep a weird attitude, it'll be over soon