Sunday, February 18, 2007

week of Feb 19 - 25

Its time to dust that bike off and get it ready to go for the season (if you didn't already take care of this). With warmer temps this week, its time to start working on spinning and saddletime. If you're doing the Birkie, some easy biking will be good for your mental prep. Keep intensity low. both tuesday and wednesday evenings/late afternoons we will be doing some light workouts on the bike. Join in...Call 371-2227 to participate

1 comment:

Gike said...

be aware of dangerous black ice in melted areas, especially along tire tracks, corners..once the shade comes around, what looks wet is probably icy. These are ideal conditions for a lightly studded commuting tire. If no studs, keep a straight line and relax. loosen the grip. trust your balance.