Thursday, February 26, 2009

Stone Mt loop

Here is a shot on the 7 mile stone Mt loop. Very active bike loop. Vehicle traffic one lane, one way. Then a two way bike lane. Then a running\walking lane. Then a sidewalk. Lots of training going on

Bike highway

Here is a bike super highway on the Emory university. Idyllic!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Free tours

As a way to get local input, I'd like to offer any local recreationalists some free tours or trainings. As we get our businesses rolling here in Atlanta, it would be in my best interest to get your opinions on conditions inside the perimiter. Call 9203712227 to reserve a spot or discuss. PLEASE?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Little 5 intersection

Another great day. Walk in the AM. Went to an exibit at Atlantic Station "dialog in the dark", a 1 hour tour in pitch blackness. Wild. Then a nice afternoon bike ride. Here's a dude cruisin' thru little 5 on a high bike. 55/sunny. Light breezes. Is it still winter?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Disc's fly

We are settled. Took the day off. Went for a nice AM exploratory run. Then toured the city showing Ben the sites. Then we went disc golfing at Redan park. Here is hole 15, fairway to heaven. Very straight course, lots of trees, no hills. This will be a nice course for speed disc...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Daily shot

Ben came in today to help unload the trailer. DONE! I picked him up at MARTA with the pedicab. The garage is coming along well. Pedicabs are ready to roll after we get settled. Got out for a ride this afternoon. Here is a driveway in the Oakhurst district. Did I mention its hilly here?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What a day!

Two full days of unpacking the trailer that 5 of us took 3 hours to load! We took a nice bike ride break this afternoon. Here is a huge mansion in a very old section of downtown decatur. Each balcony has ceiling fans (4). Look for the huge deck out back! Tonight there was some tornado action, T storms around the area. Very strange for us in Feb. Bringing the pedicab out tommorrow. Sunny/52 degrees

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pole is up

Here is the backyard hole. There is a empty lot across the street for frisbee & long holes. Sweet!!

Pams BD

We got our kids out for Pams birthday breakfast ride. Here we are at the flying bisquit. Then we took a nice two hour ride on PATH, and some streets around our city exploring. Temps @ 45 start. 55 finish. Happy BD Marty!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ahh. Home

First ride complete. 64 degrees. Downtown decatur. Street performers. 1 guy doing fixie tricks. Saw a fully loaded tourer. This is our front door.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Daily walk

Pam has re-tooled her blog, and wanted to get a walk in. Here we are on a nice path in champaign, IL. 44 degrees. Getting better.....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Master packer

Here's the final row and the master packer, Steve, finishing 13 feet of semi trailer. We had a huge turnout at titletown brewery last night. Final night ride in GB after couple of oatmeal pale ales was idyllic! Bye green bay.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Monday, February 09, 2009

Last river ride

On Saturday we ventured out onto the duck creek one last time. Big sun, 42 degrees, and wet ice. Here are our bikes under a railroad trestle taking a break. The ATV traffic was fairly heavy, but they provided a nice track to ride in. I'm sure we won't be doing this in georgia.

Last weekend in GB

Our last weekend in GB was a good riding one. 42 degrees on Sat, 38 on Sun. This pic is from uwgb looking toward the mouth of the fox river. The fog is the snowpack melting. Most of the storm sewers are covered by snow & ice, so there are lots of big puddles. Wonderful, wet, & wild

Saturday, February 07, 2009

final GB weekend

BIG thaw going on here now. For this first time in two months, it was above freezing at night. Rivers might be getting too mashed to ride anymore. Todays road ride will require full waterproofing, bike and body. Waterbed going this morning to craiglist, then I am riding from 1030 ish until3-4pm...this is the final weekend of our 52 years here...wedensday the 11th we pack the trailer, party at Titletown Brewery 7pm to 10pm, leave for Decatur GA the 12th or 13th..THEN we will have some hills to ride in....

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Final ride meeting

Pam and I will be hosting our final WEIRD rides the next two wednesdays. This wednesday, the 4th, we will be at The Daily Buzz coffee house at 7pm....Next wednesday the 11th we will be at Titletown Brewery for food and drinks. There will be a ride both nights during or after the get togethers. Its been a good ride folks....thanks for your support