Monday, February 25, 2008


OK...lets not think of anything as training. Training is tough. How 'bout we use the word tour as the description? Training is just a benefit. I see way too many "skiers" who are out there just for the workout. "Bikers" who think commuting miles are junk miles? Runners who always run the same pace, same course, same way, same time, etc....By going into tour mode, thinking of the exercise as a adventure with a specific goal at the end, WEIRD puts the joy back into our games of choice.
WEIRD Tours are being booked now from this blog. WEIRD Tours can be combined for multiple sports. WEIRD Tours can have an educational aspect. Watch for more info. Three free tours for the first three weirdo's to respond to this post

Friday, February 22, 2008

Alternate Birkie

53K road/ice ride (not ski) instead of doing the Birkebeiner. 9am Saturday Feb 23. Studded tires highly recommended, but not absolutely needed. Will probably do some skiing and/or snowshoeing also this weekend. Tours and trainings available.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

digging out

What do you all think of shoveling as a sport? It does build up a sweat doing it. We've had about a foot of snow in the last few days....Marty snapped a picture of me going to work sunday...I have attached it here....

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sheldon Brown ride

Sheldon Brown -Internet en"cyclo"pedia and bicycle wrench extrodinare passed away last week. we will ride for him. Call 371-2227 for direction. His websites will live forever...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

best riding in the city

Riding around the last few day, I realized the Kress Trail is the best "in city" winter cycling venue. Still need studs for the best effect, but it is plowed and traffic free. I have used this trail many times this year, going back and forth. Twice with 2 or better inches of snow, no other tracks!! Ahhhhh......also, the Cora Vanderperren trail around East high is plowed, making a nice loop combined with the Kress.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

winter returns

THIS is the best snow season in decades!! It wont stop! Bicycling conditions are in one word - messy - very tough conditions since before christmas!! I have only "1" road ride with dry roads and partial sun...... river and bay ice had about a 10day season so far...yesterdays warm slop sent what was bettering conditions on Bairds Creek bye-bye. Good snowshoe running in all parks and preserves. Skiing has been available since like November. All Wisconsin trails are top notch! Telefest happening this weekend up at the Porkies. superb conditions on Lake Superior. Get out and get WEIRD. Going out riding today to test the alleyways....main roads are aweful wet and salty and cruddy and hostile, but its better than a trainer anytime!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Todays conditions

Bicycling conditions today are like loose cream of wheat on top of swiss cheese ice. Be careful!