Monday, February 27, 2006


WEIRD's March welcoming week
March comes in like a lion when you're weird...still some good skiing out there, but we gotta move on....Get on the bike, damit..
Start thinking of what skills you'd like polished, and schedule a training. Look for skill classes coming up in the next few weeks focusing on cycling and commuting. And as always, book a adventure tour anytime within 12 hours.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


WEIRD snowstorm
Thursday 2-16 BIG snow storm happening...snowshoeing and skiing are on tap for this weekends weird workouts.....for those in town thursday night seems like the first opportunity, then schedule a WW anytime friday. This weekend it should be a combination of Bairds, HeNisRa, and 'da Camp. Maybe WinterPark in Kewaunee